
Betting on Wrestling? Here’s a Quick Guide on How to Do it


In the world of online sports betting, it’s not very common to bet on pro wrestling, in this case, WWE. Yes, we know it’s fake and it’s entertainment, but who says you can’t have some fun with it and get some nice cash in your pocket. Doesn’t sound that bad now huh?

Then again, even if we know all of those things about wrestling, there are factors that you need to take into consideration before betting on WWE. Here’s a few that can boost your wallet:


How to Bet on WWE

WWE WrestleMania | MyBookie Lines for WWE Events

  1. Since you can’t bet on WWE often, you can only bet on the monthly pay-per-views events. Currently in WWE, it varies between 1 to 2 PPV’s per month due to the WWE Draft earlier this year.
    So, chances to bet on WWE can be really good. Be sure to keep an eye on the WWE calendar!
  2. Sportsbooks that offer betting on WWE usually have a standard amount they allow to bet, which is usually $50.
    The reason for this is because WWE employees know the outcome of a match beforehand. So, in order to prevent any issues, a limit is placed.
    Then again, the limit may vary in different sportsbooks.
  3. Take into consideration the wrestlers, the story line involved and the type of match they will be participating in.
    Let’s take as an example the Wrestlemania 32 match between the Undertaker and Shane McMahon.
    If you follow WWE constantly, you know that Undertaker (1/6) is the favorite to win, due to the match, Hell in a Cell Match, and his Wrestlemania streak.
    Shane McMahon (10/3) wasn’t going to win and he doesn’t wrestle that often.

Another example would be the Wrestlemania 30 match between Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Batista.

The story line for Bryan had been building up for a few months now and to top off that story, he had to win the championship at a big event. The WWE odds on Daniel Bryan were at 2/11, Orton at 17/4 and Batista at 9/4.

Remember, even though the winners of a match are chosen before the event, changes on matches can always vary at the last minute, so be sure to make your research before placing your bets.

We hope this guide will provide you the best experience to bet on WWE. Enjoy the show!


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