Celebrity Divorce Odds Oct. 1st Edition - Entertainment Betting

Celebrity Divorce Odds Oct. 1st Edition – Entertainment Betting

It’s the beginning of October, which means entertainment news has slowed some. What hasn’t? Celebrity Divorce betting options from now until the first of January 2021. Check out analysis and free picks from some of the more popular celebrity divorce and break-up bets so you can wager against their Celebrity Divorce odds

Entertainment News: Some Value, Some Easy Scores in Celebrity Divorce Odds

Celebrity Divorce Odds

  • Cut-Off: Jan. 1, 2020

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Broken Up by 2021

  • Yes -1000
  • No +400

Supposedly, Kylie and Travis have snuck out together in recent months to go on dinner dates. Restaurants in California with outdoor patios aren’t closed. If the rumors are true, No is a massive overlay. We’re hoping the rumors are true and these two crazy lovebirds stay together. 

Celebrity Divorce Pick: No

Jenner and Sophia Hutchins Broken Up by 2021

  • Yes -2000
  • No +600

Caitlyn Jenner, the 70-year-old former Mr. Bruce Jenner, has discussed joining the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills with roommate Sophia Hutchins. If that happens, then, yes, here’s another massive overlay, right? How can you be on a show together about housewives and not be together? 

Celebrity Divorce Pick: No 

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn Divorced by 2021

  • Yes +600
  • No -2000

Just a couple of weeks ago Goldie chatted about the moment she fell in love with Kurt Russell. That’s a sign right there she’s not breaking up with Russell any time soon. For his part, Kurt has said nothing about wanting to spend his golden years with someone other than, yes, we’ll say it, Goldie

Celebrity Divorce Pick: No  

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Divorced by 2021

  • Yes +600
  • No -2000

The two have already gone through a breakup. It happened in 2015 when Jada had an affair with August Alsina. Supposedly, she and Will have moved past that. Everything indicates they have, but we think it’s worth taking a shot on Yes. Just because a couple says they’re past indiscretions, it doesn’t mean they really are. 

Celebrity Divorce Pick: Yes 

Donald Trump and Melania Trump Divorced by 2021

  • Yes +110
  • No -150

No still seems like a lock. Melania has rode shotgun with Trump for a long time. Why would she ditch the Orange One right after an election, win or lose? Donny definitely won’t divorce her. So, we’re sticking with No.

Celebrity Divorce Pick: No 

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Divorced by 2021

  • Yes +300
  • No -700

This one is somewhat different than Donald’s and Melania’s situation. If Trump loses the election, Kushner could decide to blame Ivanka for wrangling him into such a mess. Ivanka could blame Jared for not supporting her father enough, or some other reason. Whether any of that happens depends on American voters. Still, at +300, we’re going Yes. 

Celebrity Divorce Pick: Yes 

JZ and Beyonce Divorced by 2021

  • Yes +700
  • No -4000

Like Jada and Will, JZ and Beyonce saved their marriage after one of them, or both of them, cheated. We won’t go into the particulars because just like Will and Jada, we’re not buying that there are absolutely no hard feelings at all. So, we’re taking a flyer on Yes.

Celebrity Divorce Pick: Yes