Next James Bond Odds Expert Analysis

Next James Bond Odds Expert Analysis

The final James Bond film starring Daniel Craig, No Time to Die, releases on April 2, 2021. By then, the COVID shutdowns should hopefully have subsided, which means the latest Bond film could make money. Once Craig puts the Aston Martin in the garage and plays that final game of baccarat, who will hang out with M and Ms. Moneypenny? Check out odds and analysis for the next Bond so you can make your bets against our James Bond odds!

Entertainment Betting News | James Norton Remains Favorite

  • Wagering Cut-off: Dec. 31, 2020 at 10:00 am ET

The Next James Bond Odds to Win

  • James Norton +300
  • Tom Hardy +300
  • Sam Heughan +400
  • Idris Elba +500
  • Richard Madden +500
  • Jack Lowden +800
  • Tom Hiddleston +800
  • Henry Cavill +1000
  • Aidan Turner +1400
  • Cilian Murphy +1600
  • Michael Fassbender +1600
  • Any Female +2000
  • Jude Law +2000
  • Damien Lewis +2500
  • Dan Stevens +2800
  • Benedict Cumberbatch +3300
  • Richard Armitage +4000
  • Andrew Lincoln +10000
  • Christian Bale +10000
  • Jamie Dornan +10000
  • Harry Styles +15000
  • James McAvoy +20000
  • Jason Statham +20000
  • Orlando Bloom +20000
  • Ryan Gosling +20000
  • David Beckham +50000
  • Hugh Grant +50000

Among the favorites, Norton, Hardy, Heughan, Elba and Madden, which actor has the best shot to grab the 007 role after Daniel Craig?

Everybody wants Tom Hardy, but the well-regarded thespian would be taking a step down to play Bond. Hardy may not commit to a 3 film deal and who wants a single film with one of the silver screen’s iconic characters?

If we cross off Hardy, and Norton, whom has the look of past Bonds, we’re left with Madden, Heughan, and Elba. Madden and Heughan could almost be the same person. Both are young, white males, who are shorter versions of Roger Moore. 

Neither will grab a viewer’s attention. Idris Elba, though, is a verifiable star. He can play any role and commands the screen. Elba isn’t just a pretty face. Also, Daniel Craig raised the bar, which means the next Bond must have acting chops. Among the favorites, Elba is the play. 

Which actor from +800 to +2000 odds has a great shot of calling himself James Bond?

Hiddleston and Fassbender are both well-regarded actors. If the Bond people want to go old school, they won’t go wrong with either. Hiddleston played Loki in the Marvel movies. So, American audiences know him.

Fassbender looks more like a James Bond, though. Most know Cillian Murphy from Peaky Blinders. It would be difficult to take him seriously as 007. So, if you want to put money behind someone with a shot who doesn’t offer the lowest odds, think Michael Fassbender or Tom Hiddleston. 

What actor at massive odds could get the bond role?

Everyone knows Christian Grey. Jamie Dornan, the actor who plays Grey, was in a television show called The Fall where he played one of the most unique serial killers in film or television history. Dornan can act, American audiences know and love the guy, and he’s got a unique enough look to make it work. 

If the producers decide to go with Any Female, what actresses are in the running to become 007?

Cate Blanchett for sure. Halle Berry if they want to go with an American. Other American or British actresses include Alicia Vikander, Jodie Comer, Emily Blunt, Lashana Lynch, Zoe Saldana, or Thandie Newton.

All would be great picks to say, “shaken, not stirred”, which tells us that the +2000 on Any Female might be an overlay. Also, don’t forget that we’re more progressive now than we were when they handed the role to Craig. So a woman James Bond isn’t out of the question.