Who's the First Death in Game of Thrones Season Seven?

Who’s the First Death in Game of Thrones Season Seven?

HBO’s Game of Thrones has taken the world by storm. It’s one of the most successful TV programs today and it’s currently going into it’s seventh season, set to premier in the summer of 2017. This season will consist of only seven episodes, due to delays while waiting for winter to arrive in Northern Europe. Even though the coming season will be a bit shorter than the previous ones, fans all around the world will be tuning to see what will happen to the Starks and their plot for revenge. Will Cersei survive the prophecy after killing her last child? Will Daenerys finally avenge the House Targaryen? If you’re a Game of Thrones fanatic and you think you can correctly predict which character will die first on the upcoming season seven, you could potentially cash in big. Even if you don’t have a definitive answer, but you believe you can make an educated guess, again, your correct choice could pay huge dividends. Okay, with all of that said, let’s get down to business with a pick for my top three characters to be killed first during Season 7 and the predicted Game of Thrones odds.

Who Will Die in the 1st episode of Season 7

Character Odds
Brienne of Tarth +850
Melisandre +250
Jon Snow +3500
Aria Stark +900
Sansa Stark +1500
Jamie Lannister +1800
Daenerys Targaryen +2500
Cercei Lannister +2000
Tyrion Lannister +1800
Bran Stark +1200
Little Finger +750
Theon Greyjoy +350
Varys +950
Samwell Tarly +650
Davos Seaworth +800
Gilly +375
Bronn +300
Drogon +3500
Grey Worm +850
Missandei +1500

Brienne Of Tarth

When we last saw her, Brienne was in a fight-to- the-death with Jaime. What are the chances she ends up on the end of Lannister’s sword? I’d say pretty high. Plus, Brienne is a ‘good’ character, which is always a good sing for an impending death.


Davos’ anger over Shireen’s death isn’t the kind of thing that one gets away with by simply rolling down south. Hell, since the knight himself literally vowed to personally off Melisandre if they ever crossed paths, not to mention the fact that she’s aging faster than my hairline, it’s highly likely that she’s getting killed – at some point in the near future.

Cersei Lannister

I’m thinking Lannister is a great candidate to bite the bullet seeing as how she’s so dangerous to the throne that she may need to be put out of commission.