JAN 25 - NFL Betting Analysis Highlights Super Bowl Bets You Shouldn't Make

NFL Analysis Highlights Super Bowl Bets You Shouldn’t Make

If you’re in the process of getting your Super Bowl 51 betting wagers all lined up and you’re searching for as much expert betting information as possible, then you’ve come to the right place! You see, in an ongoing effort to assist our betting faithful maximize their chances of cashing in early and often when Super Bowl 51 gets underway on February 5, I’m dropping some knowledge on a handful of Super Bowl bets that you shouldn’t make when Matt Ryan and the Atlanta Falcons look to pull off the upset over Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Now, let’s get started with my analysis on five ‘50-50’ bets that you should avoid when Super Bowl 51 gets underway in less than two weeks.

NFL Betting Analysis Highlights Super Bowl Bets You Shouldn’t Make


Team to Commit First Penalty

Analysis: This is a classic 50-50 bet that you can’t possibly handicap no matter how many penalty statistics you look at. For instance, let’s say you pick the Atlanta Falcons to commit a penalty first but New England gets the ball first and one of their offensive linemen commits a false start. You’re not going to be a happy camper. Avoid this 50-50 bet if you want more value and a better than 50 percent chance of cashing in.

Team to Have First Coaches Challenge

Analysis: Again, this wager is nothing more than a 50-50 bet that could go either way. I can easily see Bill Belichick challenging whether Julio Jones got both feet inbounds on a big catch and I can also see Atlanta’s Dan Quinn challenging a Tom Brady ‘tuck rule’ fumble. Either way, this wager is a guess at best, not matter how much you look at each coach’s challenges this season.

Team to Call First Timeout

Analysis: Will New England’s Bill Belichick throw out some exotic defense that causes Atlanta’s Matt Ryan to call a timeout or will Bill Belichick be forced to call a timeout to slow down Atlanta’s fast-paced offense, particularly when the Falcons go to a no huddle attack? Whichever team you choose to call a timeout first, just know that you’ve got a 50-50 chance of winning this wager.

Game Total

Analysis: While I love picking game totals as far as Over and Under outcomes are concerned, if you’re betting on the Super Bowl 51 game total and whether the final score will end up on an even or odd figure, then you’re basically throwing money into the wind on this 50-50 wager, especially seeing as how two of the last four Super Bowls have finished on an even number while two others ended up on an odd number.

Super Bowl 51 Nielsen Rating

Analysis: I’ll get right to the point on this 50-50 wager by simply saying that I’ve never, ever heard a NFL football bettors ask or ponder what the Nielsen rating for any contest would be! I men, really…who cares whether the Nielsen for Super Bowl 51 finishes Over or Under the set 48.5 total? More importantly, are you going to take the time to look at the Nielsen rating for, let’s say, the last 10 Super Bowls overall? Unless you’re in the television industry and you study Nielsen ratings for a living, then you need to avoid throwing your Super Bowl 51 betting bucks on this 50-50 wager.