Sports Explained: Glossary W

Sportsbook Glossary: Ww

Written by on July 31, 2018

Wager Any type of bet on a game or event. War Room In the NHL, an office in Toronto headquarters where games are viewed and reviewed. WBA World Boxing Association. WBC World Boxing Council. Welsh/Welch To fail to pay a gambling bet….

MAR 31 - Understanding Tote Betting Systems

Understanding Tote Betting Systems

Written by on March 31, 2017

If you don’t know what a ‘Tote’ betting system is, then don’t get your panties in a bunch people. I’m here to explain this online betting method.   Here’s A Closer Look At The Understanding Tote Betting Systems   Tote betting is more commonly referred to as pari-mutuel betting, which is, in essence, a betting system where all bets of … click title for full article.

MAR 29 - Betting 101 Understanding Probability

Betting 101 Understanding Probability

Written by on March 29, 2017

If you’re an online or on-site sports betting lines enthusiast, you need to be able to fully understand what probability is if you want to maximize your chances of cashing in consistently, no matter the sport you’re wagering on. Now, let’s get started…   In Depth Analysis On Betting 101 Understanding Probability   What is probability? Most bettors think they’re … click title for full article.

Top NBA Betting Matchups and Picks of the Week – October 24th.

Sports Betting Strategy Line Shopping

Written by on February 24, 2017

If you want to be a profitable online sports betting enthusiast no matter the particular sport, then ‘line shopping’ is an absolute must. While it’s true that no bettors can influence the results on the field, getting the best line possible is an absolute must.   Sports Betting Strategy Line Shopping You see, while the vast majority of sports gamblers … click title for full article.

DEC 19 - Sportsbetting 101 What Is Situational Betting

Sportsbetting 101: What Is Situational Betting?

Written by on December 19, 2016

The situational betting angle is one of the most undervalued handicapping strategies in all of sports betting. Maybe it’s because too many situations can affect the outcome of a bet, or maybe it’s because few people understand how to use this handicapping strategy. Whatever the case, we believe it’s about time we appreciate this betting strategy and add it into … click title for full article.


Sportsbetting Strategies: NFL Sharp Money Explained

Written by on November 14, 2016

NFL betting lines are usually subject to several factors, and that often leads to a lot of movement in the betting lines, especially in games involving popular teams. It is therefore imperative for bettors to keep an eye on the sportsbooks, paying attention right from the moment opening lines are released to the last minute when the closing odds are … click title for full article.

NFL Week 16 Most Profitable Road Bets

NFL Bye Week Expert Betting Strategy

Written by on October 19, 2016

Following Kansas City’s 26-10 victory over Oakland in Week 6, Chiefs’ coach Andy Reid saw his record improve to an impressive 16-2 mark coming off a bye in his career. This prompted the common debate about NFL bye weeks and how it can affect NFL betting, or better yet how to inculcate bye weeks into our handicapping strategies. Here a … click title for full article.


Understanding The Paroli System

Written by on September 24, 2016

The Paroli System is a roulette system that is increasingly considered as one of the most popular and appealing systems for bettors that are looking win big without necessarily having to wager huge amounts of money. Essentially, the Paroli system is derived from the Latin name “Par” which means “one that is equal”. And being a positive progressive betting system, … click title for full article.


MLB Betting Handicapping Pitchers After A No-Hitter

Written by on September 23, 2016

Every pitcher dreams of a no-hitter performance at least once in their career. Very few, however, manage to accomplish it, no wonder the media and pretty much every baseball lover gets to make a big deal whenever a player is coming off a no-no. For most recreational bettors, a pitcher coming off a no-hitter is like a surefire sign to … click title for full article.


Why A Sports Systematic Approach Works Best

Written by on September 22, 2016

Online sports betting, just like any other money-minting business, requires a systematic approach in order for you to succeed. The problem, though, is that every the internet is flooded with articles and individuals that claim to have the best sportsbetting systems, and most of these systems don’t work. So how can you sieve through all that clutter and find the … click title for full article.