2022 FIFA World Cup Betting Update Technology That Could Seriously Impact Matches

2022 FIFA World Cup Betting Update: Technology That Could Seriously Impact Matches

The 2022 World Cup isn’t just unique in the sense that it’s in November and that it happens for the first time in Qatar. It’s also unique for the technological advancements that will happen at this year’s World Cup. New technologies will happen for the first time at this year’s tournament. Check out the most important advancements at the 2022 World Cup so you can continue planning your bets against the FIFA World Cup Odds

Technology at the 2022 FIFA World Cup Could Have a Major Impact

2022 Qatar World Cup

  • When: Nov. 21 – Dec. 18

Tech that will cool stadiums

The temperate in Qatar will be an average of 79 degrees and will never fall below 74. Anybody who has played in a stadium with 50,000 to 100,000 people knows the temp rises due to so many bodies on the field and in the stands.

Seven of the eight stadiums at the 2022 WC will boast Advanced Cooling Tech. The technology cools the atmosphere in the stadium and keeps it at an optimal temperature. 

Stadium 974 won’t have the Advanced Cooling Tech system. The stadium exists near the ocean and doesn’t require cooling. 

Stadium 974 also unique because it can be disassembled

Stadium 974 isn’t just unique because it doesn’t have Advanced Cooling Tech. It’s also unique because it can be disassembled. 

You read that correctly. Engineers who constructed the stadium did so out of shipping containers and modular steel frames. The stadium looks unique for sure. 

The way engineers created the stadium also means it can go down after the World Cup and it costs much less than developing a brand new stadium. 

Advanced first ever World Cup digital soccer ball

The official match ball for the World Cup is part of Adidas’ Al Rihla brand. In Arabic, Al Rihla means the journey. Adidas created Al Rihla products specifically for the 2022 Qatar World Cup. 

The Al Rihla ball will transmit information directly to Virtual Assistant Referees or VARs. So when replay happens, the ball will send info directly to the VAR, cutting down on mistakes during replay.

Offside semi-automated tech

The new offside tech that FIFA will use in this year’s World Cup is semi-automatic. The Al Rihla ball will include a sensor. But in addition, 12 cameras will exist throughout every stadium. 

The tech automatically alerts the VAR if a player is offside. The tech is almost fool proof in the sense the referee must head to the VAR to make a final determination. But any determination should take a small amount of time. 

Bonocle visually impaired tech

Bonocle will transfer digital information regarding the World Cup into braille. Bonocle will allow sightless soccer fans access to information that they previously had no access.

The tech will change the experience for thousands of blind soccer fans and allow those fans to participate in the world’s most important soccer tournament in ways they never dreamed.

Doing so will not only include those fans, but raise the overall level of excitement no matter where any soccer fan exists and no matter if they can actually watch the matches. 


I have read enough, I need to place my bet now. What to do?

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